Before I begin, I would to say that muslims are obsessed with money. They earn money without knowing that whether it is halal or harm.
What is RIBA?
RIBA is an unjustified increment in borrowing or lending money. This is the simple definition of RIBA.
Why RIBA is haram in Islam?
Allah says in the Quran that RIBA
in all forms was utterly condemned, and those cared not for its prohibition were threatened a holy war to be waged against them by Allah and his messenger (2:275-279)
On one occasion our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that RIBA is more sinful than committing adultery repeatedly.
I'm quite perplexed that eating pork is haram but muslims don't have any problem with devouring RIBA. Muslims are well acquainted that engaging in RIBA is major sin. The fact remains that, Majority of muslims engage in RIBA and don't care what Allah says in the Quran.
Why it is haram because Allah declared it so as he is All-wise and All-Knowing.
Now I'm going to give few examples why it is prohibited in Islam.
All nations, large or small have foreign debts so their RIBA payments on these debts are heavy burden on the entire country. RIBA is the mother of human diseases. Debt kills, ''More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day. 1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty. According to UNICEF, 22,000 childrendie each day due to poverty. 805 million people worldwide do not have enough food to eat.''
1. RIBA is curse and disease.
2. RIBA is sure gain without the possibility of loss.
3. RIBA creates a monopoly in society as richer are getting richer and poorer are getting poorer.
4. RIBA is the cause of poverty.
5. RIBA is the cause of wars and destruction.
6. RIBA is from Satan.
In summary, I would like to say that we must not engage in RIBA because it is a major sin. It is totally prohibited in Islam. We must refrain from RIBA. If you want to lead your life in egalitarian society then support Islamic banking.
''I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.''
Thomas Jefferson
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