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Showing posts from April, 2017

RIBA (Interest)

                  Before I begin, I would to say that muslims are obsessed with money. They earn money without knowing  that whether it is halal or harm. What is RIBA? RIBA is an unjustified increment in borrowing or lending money. This is the simple definition of RIBA. Why RIBA is haram in Islam? Allah says in the Quran that RIBA  in all forms was utterly condemned, and those cared not for its prohibition were threatened a holy war to be waged against them by Allah and his messenger (2:275-279) On one occasion our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that RIBA is more sinful than committing adultery repeatedly. I'm quite perplexed that eating pork is haram but muslims don't have any problem with devouring RIBA. Muslims are well acquainted that engaging in RIBA is major sin. The fact remains that, Majority of muslims engage in RIBA and don't care what Allah says in the Quran. Why it is haram because Allah declared it ...

How Islam eradicated polytheism and superstitions.

It's very interesting topic to discuss how Islam eradicated polytheism and superstitions. Our beloved prophet (pbuh) propagated two distinct ideas which were based on two principles. Tawheed Rububiyyah, which means that Allah, is One, without any partners or associates.  Tawheed 'Ulluhiyyah, which means that, Allah must be worshiped alone, total slavery must be to Allah  alone ranging from the spiritual to political. This was the message of Tawheed which provoked the angry of Makkah authority because they realized that Mohammad (pbuh) posed a threat to their hegemony. Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) summoned them to worship the one and true God. Polytheism and superstitions looked upon things and creatures as deities because they regard everything sanctity. Before the advent of Islam. Polytheism and superstitions dominated the whole world. Before Islam people regarded the moon, the sun, water, fire, sky, sea and mountains as deities. Basically, Modern science is the pa...

Environmental pollution in Indonesia.

Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented.                                                                         -Barry Commoner Environmental pollution is the term that refers to all of methods by which people pollute their environment and surrounding.  People with gases and smoke dirty our clean water. Pure water is tainted with chemicals and other substances. Virgin soil is ruined with fertilizers and pesticides. Today environmental pollution is one of the most serious threat to mankind. Air, water, and soil are essential to the survival of all living creatures on planet earth, but unfortunately they are harmed by pollution. There are various environment issues in Indonesia include deforestation, water pollution from industrial wastes, sewage and air pollution in ...