Aceh is a special region of Indonesia. It is autonomous and Muslim majority state. It is the only one state in Indonesia where people live according to sharia customs and laws. Its capital is Banda Aceh. Once Aceh was a cosmopolitan city. Aceh played a very pivotal role in the development and spread of Islam to the rest of the Malay Archipelago. It is very close to Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India. I would like to shed light on the history of Masjid Baiturrahman. Masjid Baiturraham is located in the center of Banda Aceh. Basically, it was built by Iskandar Muda in 1612. It is said that the original mosque was built by Sultan Alaidin Mahmudsyah in 1292. It is the symbol of religious life and bravery of Aceh people. It is one of the beautiful mosques in Indonesia. The Masjid remained the center of armed resistance to Dutch invaders. When it became the center of armed resistance. Therefore, it was burned down by Dutch in 1874. When it was through and through damaged, Acehnese peo...
Vietnam is a country which is located in Southeast Asia, had been under French colonial rule. During world war II, Japan also invaded Vietnam. Vietnam started fighting off both Japanese Invaders and French colonial rule. Ho chi Minh was a political leader, influenced and inspired by Chinese and Soviet Union. Emperor Bao Dai was another leader, inspired and influenced by west and close ally of French. Both leaders had different ideology. Ho Chi Minh troops took over northern city of Hanoi, declared Ho chi Minh Democratic president of Vietnam. Another side, French backed Emperor Bao Dai took over southern part of Vietnam and declared saigon as its capital. Both sides wanted a unified Vietnam under one ideology. Ho chi Minh wanted communism in Vietnam and Bao wanted a country based on American model. American involvement in Vietnam started in 1950 to abet and aid French backed government in Vietnam. The French backed troops were defeated by communist troops and French ba...